Staying Healthy with Pets. Tips and Guides

Keeping a pet provides numerous health advantages. Pet ownership encourages increased physical activity, outdoor engagement, and social interaction. Regular strolls or playtimes with pets can lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations. Pets provide a soothing presence that can alleviate feelings of solitude and depression. It’s no surprise that in the United States, most homes boast at least one pet.

Extensive research points towards a healthy correlation between human-pet relationships and multiple health advantages, including:

Lowered blood pressure, cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels, feelings of isolation, anxiety, and PTSD symptoms.
Increased chances for exercise and outdoor pursuits; improved cognitive functionality in the elderly; and greater chances to engage socially

Nevertheless, pets can sometimes harbour harmful bacteria, capable of causing illness in humans, even if the pet seems perfectly well. The infections humans contract from animals are known as zoonotic diseases. The following are some useful tips to ensure you and your loved ones maintain good health whilst cherishing pet companionship.

Choosing the Suitable Animal Companion

Before welcoming a new pet into your home, it’s crucial to ensure it’s the perfect fit for you and your loved ones. Undertake some preliminary research about the animal’s specific needs. Consider the following queries before making a pet commitment:

  • What is this animal’s lifespan?
  • What diet does the pet require?
  • What are the pet’s exercise needs?
  • What size will it grow to?
  • What are the anticipated costs of veterinary care?
  • Do I possess sufficient time to adequately care for and maintain the pet?
  • What kind of environment does this pet require to stay healthy?
  • What type of physical activity does this pet need?
  • Are pets permitted in my house, apartment, or condominium?
  • Will there be young children, elderly individuals, or people with compromised immune systems who will look after or interact with the pet?

Some individuals are more susceptible to diseases that animals can transmit.

Remember, it’s essential to be mindful and considerate of the commitment a pet requires. Make sure to select the right pet, taking into consideration all these aspects.

Maintaining Good Hygiene Around Pets

When interacting with your pet – be it during playtime, feeding, or cleaning – washing your hands plays a pivotal role in minimising the risk of illness from potential pet-borne germs. If you or a family member have any health concerns, seek advice from a healthcare professional, and make sure to disclose recent interactions with animals.

Ensure you wash your hands:

  • After playing with or touching your pet
  • After feeding your pet or handling pet food
  • After coming into contact with pet habitats or equipment (such as cages, tanks, toys, food and water bowls, etc.)
  • After cleaning up after your pet
  • After leaving areas where animals dwell (like coops, barns, stalls, etc.), even if you did not touch an animal
  • Before eating or drinking
  • Before preparing food or beverages
  • After removing dirty clothes or shoes
  • Soap and running water are the optimal choices for hand hygiene, but hand sanitiser can suffice until these are accessible. It is crucial that adults help young children with hand washing to ensure it is done properly.

Maintaining good hygiene practices around pets is key to promoting a healthy cohabitation with our animal companions.

children living with pets | Staying Healthy with Pets. Tips and Guides

Educate Children How to Interact with Pets

Certain individuals, such as children under the age of 5, those with weakened immune systems, older adults (65+), and expectant mothers, are more susceptible to diseases that can be transmitted between animals and humans. To safeguard their well-being, it is important to make informed decisions when considering a new pet. In this article, we will explore key considerations for individuals falling under these high-risk categories.

Pets and Young Children:
Families with children under the age of 5 should exercise caution when it comes to certain pets. Specifically, reptiles (turtles, lizards, snakes), amphibians (frogs, toads), and backyard poultry carry a risk of transmitting harmful germs that can cause severe illnesses in young children. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid having these pets in households with young children.

Pets and Weakened Immune Systems:
Individuals with weakened immune systems need to take extra precautions when choosing and handling pets. It is highly recommended to consult a veterinarian for expert guidance in selecting a suitable pet that poses minimal health risks. By doing so, they can ensure a safe and enjoyable companionship without compromising their well-being.

Pets and Pregnancy:
Expectant mothers should be particularly mindful of their choices regarding pets to safeguard both their own health and that of their unborn child. Adopting a new cat or handling stray cats, especially kittens, should be avoided. Cats can carry a parasite known to cause toxoplasmosis—a disease that can lead to birth defects. However, it is important to note that pregnant individuals need not part ways with their current cat, but they should refrain from handling cat litter to minimize any potential risks.

Furthermore, pregnant individuals should also avoid close contact with pet rodents. This precaution is necessary to prevent exposure to lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, which can result in birth defects. If there is a pet rodent in the household, it is advisable to delegate the task of cleaning their habitat to someone else, while minimizing direct interaction.

For individuals who fall under these high-risk categories and wish to acquire more comprehensive information regarding health concerns related to animals, it is highly recommended to explore additional resources tailored to their specific needs. These resources provide valuable insights and guidance to ensure optimal health and safety.


The health and safety of vulnerable individuals should be the top priority when considering a new pet. By adhering to the guidelines presented above, households can make well-informed decisions that reduce the risk of disease transmission between animals and humans. Remember, it is crucial to consult with veterinary professionals and access reliable resources to make responsible choices for a harmonious and healthy coexistence with our animal companions.

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